Twitter Analytics Enabled for All Twitter Users

Twitter now allows users to view analytics on their own tweets. This is fantastic for recruiters! You can learn a lot by taking a look at your analytics.

Timeline Activity

Here you can see a timeline of days across the top that shows mentions, follows and unfollows. That makes it easy to see how your tweets are affecting your followship.

Below the timeline is a list of all your tweets, which can be filtered to only show the best ones, good ones or all (default). This part is very telling as you can take a look at how many clicks a particular link has received, which is awesome! You’ll also see how many faves, retweets and replies a tweet of yours has received.


The followers section breaks down information about your followers to help you understand your audience better. You’ll see the most unique interests, the top interests, top countries and states, gender breakup and the other accounts they follow. Also on this screen is a timeline of your follower growth.

Get In There

You need not sign up for an advertising account or pay anything to view the analytics. Just hop on over to to sign in and see your Twitter analytics. It’s fun and can help you make changes to your social strategy on Twitter.